Nagasawa Rosetsu, a
leading disciple of Maruyama Ōkyo, created this triptych consisting
of a central hanging scroll capturing three puppies with bamboo and
Budai (J. Hotei) and Shide (J. Jittoku) respectively on the right
and left. The combination of the kanji characters for the
theme of the central painting, “dogs” and “bamboo,” forms the
character “laugh,” hence, this image is also known as “Laugh” (Isshō).
The lying pup with its back turned at the viewer, with white fur
around its neck, appears frequently in other paintings of puppies by
Rosetsu. Budai, on the right scroll, is a Buddhist monk known for
his eccentric behavior. Here, he is portrayed with a large cloth bag
over his right shoulder and his large belly exposed. Shide, on the
left scroll, is also a Buddhist monk renowned for his
eccentricities. He holds a broom in his left hand and appears with
his right foot up in the air as if he is about to dance.