Betsy and Robert Feinberg, who reside in the state of Maryland in the USA, have built an impressive collection of Japanese art, centered on Edo-period painting.
Rather than the conservative paintings of the official Kano
and Tosa schools, the Feinberg Collection focuses on a
diverse range of free, energetic works by popular painters
of the Edo period ranging from the Rinpa artists Ogata Kōrin
(1658–1716) and Sakai Hōitsu (1761–1829), the literati
painters Ike no Taiga (1723–1776), Yosa Buson (1716–1784),
and Tani Bunchō (1763–1840), the Shijō Maruyama painters
Maruyama Ōkyo (1733–1795), and Mori Sosen (1747–1821), the
eccentric artists Itō Jakuchū (1716–1800) and Soga Shōhaku
(1730–1781), to the ukiyoe painters Hishigawa Moronobu
(1618–1694) and Katsushika Hokusai (1760–1849). This
exhibition introduces nearly ninety outstanding works from
this superb collection. We hope you enjoy this blossoming
profusion of Edo-period paintings!
1 Tiger
By Tawaraya Sōtatsu (n.d.)
Japan, Edo period, 17th century
Hanging scroll, ink on paper
This charming, amiable-looking tiger was executed in black
ink. Its fur appears light and soft. A close look reveals
that each fine strand was carefully depicted, while, in
contrast, its stripes and lion-like paws and mouth were
captured with thick, wet brushstrokes. This soft, voluminous
quality is characteristic of ink paintings by Rinpa masters.