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Yasuda Yukihiko’s Cherished Works
“Rokuhara Battle” from The Tale of Heiji

“Rokuhara Battle” from The Tale of Heiji
Kamakura period, Private collection
A Serendipitous Encounter
with Japanese Antiques
When the publishing company Shinchōsha produced the first complete collection of Kawabata Yasunari’s works, they commissioned a painting from Yasuda Yukihiko for its cover. This became the impetus for their many exchanges, primarily concerning antiques. Both men felt uplifted by outstanding works of art and spent long hours sharing their common interests.

    It is important for us to reflect and carefully observe the work of our predecessors. By looking at them extensively and observing them deeply, one gradually cultivates a true appreciation of the good, and what is truly good becomes apparent. A lofty mountain is not beautiful when gazing at its foot. It is something like that when we raise our eyes higher, and the height of the mountains become higher and the lower peaks become lower. That reveals the true beauty of high peaks.
Yasuda Yukihiko
Translated by Kaneko Rumiko, et al.
White Lotus
White Lotus
by Hara Sankei, Private collection

by Tawaraya, Sōtatsu, Early Edo period, Private collection
by Ogata Kōrin, Edo period, Private collection

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