Aoyama Jiro once said, Beauty is the search for the purity of the spirit. It was important for him simply to see and playfully touch beautiful things with an open mind and to find the true form of life and literature. We hope that museum visitors can enjoy for themselves the true pure spirit and gaze of Aoyama Jiro, before the rumors and legends, from this exhibition, which includes many works that will be shown publicly for the first time. Producer of a wide range of projects related to the preservation of Japanese painting, antiques, and the decorative arts. He curated the exhibition The Heart in Search of Beauty: Honoring the 100th Anniversary of Kobayashi Hideos Birth at the MIHO MUSEUM (Summer, 2003) and is the author of several books, including Shirasu Masako no okurimono ((The Gift of Shirasu Masako), Tokyo: Sekai Bunka Publishing Inc., 2005). His paternal grandparents are Shirasu Jiro and Masako and his maternal grandfather is Kobayashi Hideo. *To attend, please call our Public Relations Office in advance: tel. 0748-82-3411 *The lecture is free upon paying the entrance fee to the museum. *Lecture in Japanese only.