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The Particular Care of the Architect I.M. Pei: Part 10
Passing through a grove of peach blossoms in full bloom and through a cave, you arrive upon the village of the Peach Blossom Spring.
What would you do if you were to create such a place?
A fascinating space that has gone rather unnoticed at the MIHO MUSEUM is an area called the Rotary. Follow the pines and azaleas leading to the ground-floor entranceway from the left of the plaza in front of the museum entrance. This wonderful little area is the arrival and departure point for the electric cars on rainy days and also serves as the wheel-chair accessible entrance to the museum.
Come here alone on a sunny day, one of these days. The octagonal walls rise high up to a square Roman Pantheon-like skylight. In this warm crème-colored space, where the sunlight pours in and leaves stir, the wind gently against your face as it passes through in from the entrance. Stand in the center of this space and try humming. Your voice will be carried high up to the ceiling like celestial music, for sounds in this unusual acoustic space resonate for over five seconds. When we hold children’s workshops, children always like to come here. Recently, a famous cellist came and recorded his CD here, Musicians who play the flute or the lesser-known ocarina also frequent here.
After listening to the acoustic sounds for a while, take a seat. If you look back at the entranceway, glittering green leaves melt into the sunlight. At your foot is a pavement of pinkoro stone, which are laid out in a circle. Apparently, the first time these stones were laid out, there was not enough space for the last stone to properly fit, so they had to be laid out all over again.
The walls here are constructed of the same limestone material as the interior of the museum. The raised ceiling is of limestone-colored concrete. Oddly enough, the concrete dome-like space that was first achieved by the ancient Romans appears almost Asian in style. Sometimes, there is a whirlwind and dried leaves swirl around and blow up to the skylight. On rainy days, rain falls as a square, and on snowy days, square snow comes down. There are some who let go of their umbrellas to enjoy the square drizzle or snowfall. There are many different ways to enjoy this space. Next time you visit MIHO MUSEUM, stop by this area to see what we mean.

The skylight

The ground-floor entrance

The pavement of pinkoro stone

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